Re-Entry Plan

I made bad decisions, and ultimately, I paid the price by receiving a life sentence in prison. I have worked hard to grow as an individual and repair some of the damage that was done as a result of my actions. To restore broken relationships to the best of my ability while developing new positive relations in which my impact is for the better. I have been able to use my story to create change in others’ lives as I have matured and learned to look at life from a different perspective. I have built a genuine relationship with my wife and have sustained a beautiful relationship since 2015; nothing will ever change my past mistakes. Still, I can use what I have been through and what I have learned to make a difference to others like me.

Instead of waiting to see if I were to get out what I would do one day, I am already actively working and am a contributing member of society. I found a purpose that I am passionate about and good at, and there is a real need.

Employment Opportunities

I founded Designed Conviction LLC in 2018, together with my beautiful wife. The business is a Social Enterprise and comprises a magazine, publishing company, a record label, and providing web design and marketing services. We work with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals, and our mission is to help bridge the gap between incarceration and society while reducing recidivism. Therefore, I have already created a job with a meaningful purpose that has many influential and notable contributors and individuals who want to work with us.

When I am released, there are many opportunities to stay employed and help make a positive impact on society. In addition to creating this company, I have already written a published self-help book and have more than 13 songs released as a songwriter.

I am a public speaker with credentials from Toastmasters International. I would love to continue public speaking while further working with Toastmasters International. I would also like to speak to youth at risk. A huge part of what I will do is work with troubled youth and both currently and formerly incarcerated individuals.

In addition, I have developed multiple professional-level skills that will translate to income. I am a Certified Behavioral Adjustment Trainer Instructor (CBATI).

As a professional Dog Trainer with credentials from world-renowned Dog Trainer Grisha Stewart, I will be able to work at rescue shelters and keep a small kennel at my house, which has a big yard to train the dogs in.

I am also a professional artist. I am proficient in the mediums of graphite, ink pen, charcoal, and acrylic painting as I have held employment painting murals on the walls of Clallam Bay Corrections Center and have compiled a robust portfolio of commissioned works of art. My wife already has all the equipment to take my artist ability digital through graphic design, animation, and film/photography.


  • Small Business Management certificates 1 and 2
  • Bookkeeping specialist certificate
    • Peninsula College 2010-2013
  • Certified behavior adjustment trainer instructor.
    • Certified by Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACPT
  • Roots of success: Environmental Literacy Curriculum
    • Graduate and licensed facilitator
  • Painter apprentice program
  • Self-awareness – Redemption
    • Graduate and facilitator of the program
  • Toastmasters International member and Gavel club president
    • Competent Communicator/competent Leader

Work Experience

  • Founder: Designed conviction, LLC, A Social Enterprise, formed 2018 – present
  • Editor-in-Chief: Designed Conviction the Magazine Issn 2642-0139 (online) ISSN 2642-4894
  • Published author: “The Convicted Entrepreneur” ISBN 9781688820715
  • Songwriter: Represented by Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) under the name: Taylor Conley
  • Primary Dog Trainer, working using the training methods of Grisha Stewart, Behavioral Adjustment Training (BAT) With the Welfare for Animals Guild (WAGS) animal rescue shelters prison dog program
  • Maintenance and mural Painter
  • Waxing and burnishing floors
  • Volunteer work, including Bears behind bars, toy time, making bears and toys for children, and facilitating programs like the redemption project, Toastmasters international club officer positions, and Acrylics 101 class.



I will live with my wife at our house.


I have multiple job opportunities and have already been working while incarcerated. If need be, my wife and friends, and family are willing to sponsor me financially.


  • Housing – Live with wife, homeowner, will put in $500 per month on the mortgage.
  • Food – $250 per month
  • Debt – $500 per month
  • phone – $50 per month
  • Transportation – purchase used vehicle $350 per month
  • Gas – $200 per month
  • Insurance – on wife’s insurance
  • utilities – $300 per month
  • – $250 per month

$2400 per month x12 = $28,800 per year.

33k per year salary after taxes leaves roughly 5k per year towards retirement.


Songwriter/Artist, drawing, painting, music, woodworking, writing. Doing charity work, public speaking. Interested in working with youth at risk. Using the platform we have created to make a difference. Interested in videography, photography, film making. I look forward to applying artistic skills to graphic design. I love working with rescue dogs and plan to volunteer with a rescue shelter.



  • Get set up with probation and make sure all obligations are met.
  • Get settled into the house and create a time management schedule.
  • Work on getting a driver’s license & Insurance.
  • Get vehicle
  • Start working
  • Get into a support program.


  • Stay consistent with scheduling time and work as well as completing legal obligations
  • Find and join a Toastmasters International club. Attend meetings regularly.
  • Get involved with working with youth at risk.


  • Maintain consistency in goals and expand within them.
  • Begin to do art gallery exhibits with my artwork.
  • Start a foundation that is to help youth at risk by creating art and music programs.


  • Follow through with staying consistent with what I already have going on.
  • Have all fines, LFO, etc. Paid off.
  • Own my own car/ truck and have it paid off.
  • Work in re-entry by creating jobs and hiring people who are returning citizens.



  • Small Business Management certificate courses 1 & 2, Bookkeeping specialist; Peninsula College (2010-2013)
  • Bears from Behind Bars volunteer (2013-2020)
  • Creativity 101: Acrylic basics (2015)
  • Self-Awareness class (2016)
  • Bachelor’s Degree program: Shalom Bible College & Seminary (2016-present) ongoing.
  • Certified Behavior Adjustment Trainer Instructor (CBATI) testing passed (2017), tested by Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDTKA, KPACPT
  • Painter Apprentice program (2017)
  • Anger Management Cognitive Life Skills course (2017)
  • Roots of Success: Environmental Literacy Curriculum (2018)
  • Toastmasters International: Competent Communicator, Competent Leader, Pathways, served as Gavel club President and Sergeant in Arms (2018-2020)
  • Roots of success: Facilitator Certification Training (2019)
  • Redemption Project/ Self Awareness: Facilitator Certification Training (2020) Facilitating Redemption classes (2020-present)


There is much that I have learned. I have learned to take responsibility for my actions. I have learned to change my perspective; once I learned to look at things through a more positive mindset and with a different attitude, I have accomplished a great deal. I have learned to overcome adversity and that I can influence in a positive way which is gratifying. I have learned that I am a good person who has done bad things and made poor decisions, but I can change that narrative, and I have redemptive qualities. I can help others find that in themselves as well.


I know what it is like to lose everything. To let everyone down and live with the shame and guilt of knowing all the lives affected by my bad decisions. I know what it is like to be sentenced to die in prison without hope of freedom. This has a way of putting a new perspective on life that very few people ever know. I would never put myself in the situation again, knowing what I know today. I feel a responsibility to not let down all the people who believe in me. If I were given a second chance in life, I would take it as my duty to spend each day repairing the damage I created as a troubled youth and hopefully helping to prevent more youth from ending up in a situation like mine.


I have resolved my problems with drugs been clean since 2007, with no infractions related to drugs. I have had all the opportunities to do them and have no desire ever to do drugs again. They did so much damage in my life I decided never again to do them and never will. Understanding who I am and what they did to me allowed me to overcome them. Even though I have not been struggling with addiction currently and have been clean and sober for over 15 years. I would still join a recovery community and attend chemical dependency if necessary. I would also like to work with men and women suffering from addiction through drug and alcohol treatment programs.


Please feel free to contact me directly as well either by going to and locating me by my DOC# 867975. If you create an account, you can message me electronically. Or contact me via mail:

Taylor Conley #867975 SCCC, 191 Constantine Way , Aberdeen, WA 98520

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